According to a
new report, the number of teens and young adults who use social networking sites continues to rise, but the number of these same young people who are blogging has decreased, and proportionately very few of them are on Twitter.
So what's your favorite social networking site? Our poll is over to the right. - 14% of online teens now say they blog, down from 28% of teen internet users in 2006.
- 73% of wired American teens now use social networking websites, a significant increase from previous surveys. Just over half of online teens (55%) used social networking sites in November 2006 and 65% did so in February 2008.
- Young profile owners are much more likely to maintain a profile on MySpace (66% of young profile owners do so, compared with just 36% of those thirty and older) but less likely to have a profile on the professionally-oriented LinkedIn (7% vs. 19%). In contrast, adult profile owners under thirty and those thirty and older are equally likely to maintain a profile on Facebook (71% of young profile owners do so, compared with 75% of older profile owners).
- Teens are not using Twitter in large numbers. While teens are bigger users of almost all other online applications, Twitter is an exception.
- In the past five years, cell phone ownership has become mainstream among even the youngest teens. Fully 58% of 12-year olds now own a cell phone, up from just 18% of such teens as recently as 2004.
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