
Monday, May 10, 2010

Some Fans Couldn't Wait

The Houston Chronicle reports today about the end of the Millennium trilogy. "Though grown-up books rarely compete with teen wizards or vampires when it comes to prepublication hysteria, the Swedish crime thrillers have sold more than 40 million copies worldwide since they first appeared in Europe in 2005." The American version of the book The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest doesn't become available until May 25. Many fans couldn't wait and ordered a copy from Europe sometimes paying as much as $40 plus shipping for the British import. "The books' popularity is fairly easy to understand, fans say. One main reason is the heroine, a hacker-genius with a troubled past who is tiny in stature and mighty in her ability to protect herself and her very few friends." Here's an interesting fact about he author: "Larsson spent most of his career as a journalist. He wrote the Millennium trilogy and turned it in to his publisher shortly before his death from a heart attack in 2004 at age 50. The books were published after his death." Steven Murray, who translated the books into English will be at Murder By The Book on June 3.

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