
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Banned Books Quiz

In honor of Banned Books Week, Mental Floss Magazine researched some surprising banned book facts. Go to their site to see the answers.

  • Who is the hero of the popular book series by Dav Pilkey, which has been challenged for its “anti-family content”?
  • True or False: Where’s Waldo? by Martin Hanford appeared on the American Library Association’s List of the “100 Most Frequently Challenged Books” from 1990-2000.
  • Why was an illustrated edition of Little Red Riding Hood banned in two California school districts in 1989?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What can you do with duct tape?

It's Homecoming Week at Clear Brook. Today is 'Twin Day.' We have some creative students who made their shoes, dresses, belts and hairbands from duct tape. So cool! Need help with your next duct tape creation? Try Ductigami by Joe Wilson (745.5 WIL).

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Free is Always Best!

Thanks to all the students that attended the library's free lunchtime "Get Ready for the PSAT/SAT" seminar. Everyone signed up for an online account to take practice tests. Remember that the PSAT is October 13 so start studying now! Good Luck! If you need help, just talk to your librarians.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are you now or will you be 18 soon?

Are you registered to vote? If you are 18 or will be soon, your librarians can help you get registered to vote. Stop by or use our link below.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Are you READY?

You have grown up with Harry Potter...the books, the movies. This has been both a literary and cinematic event of your childhood. Not many generations can claim being a part of something like this. You'll be telling your kids about it someday. It's almost over. Enjoy the finale.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Using your cell phone to learn @ your library

The freshman at CBHS have all attended a library orientation. They participated in a live questionaire by sending their answers via cell phone text. Our students don't "unplug" when they come to school at Clear Brook. We're cutting-edge like that!