Looking for a way to spruce up your holiday cookie decorations? Check out this website and it'll walk you through the process to create a .stl file which we can then print on our MakerBot 3D printers in the library. Here is one I created this morning - after all, the best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud for all to hear. Buddy the Elf
Original design idea |
Print job in progress |
On the 16th the teachers are competing against one another for a cookie cutter & baking contest. Encourage your teachers to participate and stop by the library on the 16th to help vote for the winner.
On November 11, 1918 peace was reached in Europe and WWI officially ended. Until 1954 November 11th was thought of as Armistice Day, however May of 1954, Congress changed the name to Veteran's Day in an effort to honor all veterans of all wars; past and present.
Clear Brook has partnered with Mobile Beacon over the past several years to provide free or very low cost WiFi for students that might not have internet connection at home otherwise. However, over the summer Sprint purchased the networks that Mobile Beacon and Mobile Citizen operate off of and basically shut them down, causing approximately 300,000 families to no longer have internet access at home. This shut down affected many Wolverine families, which caused difficulties for a number of students with the laptop roll out. However, yesterday in Massachusetts a court ordered an injunction against Sprint saying they couldn't shut the network down for 90 days until more information is gathered. To read more about this developing story, check out this article.
Today, senior Ashley I. stopped by to pick up her very own creation that we printed on the 3D printer. She was more than pleased with the results!
The support system that was necessary to build this creature was intense. Everyday we are amazed at the capabilities that this 3D printer provides.
Remember if you have questions please stop by the library and ask either Mrs. Sullivan or Mrs. Kochner for all the details.
Monday, before school let out, sophomore Sydney B. dropped off another 3D
print job she'd created. This time Sydney's design was a bit more elaborate than
the last. She picked it up this morning and seemed to be very pleased with the way it turned out. Check out her super cool 3D design and stop by the library for
more details on how you can print too.